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Army and Immigration search hotel in Montecristi, detain undocumented persons and seize portions of narcotic substances

In a joint intervention in the municipality of Villa Vásquez, the Dominican Republic Army and agents of the General Directorate of Migration, in coordination with the Public Ministry, carried out a search at the El Crucero de Montecristi hotel.

The intervention was carried out under search warrant No. NUC: 2025-AJOO11402, in the aforementioned hotel, located on Pepillo Salcedo street corner Benito Monción, property of Miguel Burgos Cabrera, who was detained for investigation purposes.

The military cordoned off the perimeter of the establishment, where they searched the rooms and managed to arrest 07 undocumented Haitian immigrants, including 05 men and 02 women.

In another room, room number 8, portions of a rocky material were seized, which due to its characteristics, are presumed to be Crack and another of a plant presumed to be marijuana inside a pack of cigarettes, from a man identified as Miguel Ángel Mayor Taveras, who will be handed over to the DNCD.

The undocumented nationals were taken to the ERD San ​​Fernando de Montecristi Fortress to be handed over to the DGM for the repatriation process. Meanwhile, the owner of the establishment and the person arrested with narcotic substances are in the police force of the province, for the corresponding legal purposes.

Communications Department