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At airports and ports, the DGM plans to carry out more than 28 million immigration control transactions in 2025

SANTO DOMINGO.- The General Directorate of Migration (DGM) plans to carry out more than 28 million immigration control transactions this year at the country's airports and ports, and has urged the institution's agents to work to ensure respect for human rights and provide quality service to the people with whom they interact.

The director of the agency that controls migratory flows and the stay of foreigners in the national territory, Vice Admiral Luis Rafael Lee Ballester, ARD, explained that this high flow of movements involves foreigners and Dominicans who will enter and leave the country for different reasons and who must be offered quality care and guarantees of their rights.

The high-ranking official and civil servant expressed his opinions at the start of the third specialized course in migration technique and management, offered by the National Migration Institute and in which more than fifty aspiring inspectors are participating.

“Every day we see and have to find false documents, possible identity theft or impediments that arise due to legal situations and that must be handled with discretion. We must be pleasant, courteous and respectful with travelers, but at the same time we must act with integrity, professionalism, in a rigorous manner and in accordance with ethics,” he added.

Lee Ballester highlighted the key role of immigration agents, who he said represent the first contact that visitors have in the country and the last one they deal with upon leaving. He emphasized that this work not only impacts tourists, but also Dominicans and residents who travel daily.

The training programme involves specialised knowledge on migration control and management techniques, institutional principles and values.

"I want you to take advantage of this course, to know that our commitment to strengthening the institution is supported by human resources that know the functions they will perform and that feel committed to the best interests, principles and values ​​that we are addressing," said the head of the DGM.

Communications Department