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Director of Migration visits again Haina Detention Center inspects operation and new facilities of the facility

December 20, 2022.

The Director General of Migration, Venancio Alcántara, once again visited the Detention Center for
Undocumented migrants, in Haina, to verify that the operability and new facilities in
the enclosure is being carried out properly.

He specified that foreigners in irregular conditions who spend the night there after being detained in the
immigration interdiction operations are treated humanely, since they have given instructions
precise that they cannot be mistreated.

In this sense, the head of Migration indicated that the detainees barely remain between one and two
days in that enclosure, until the deportation process is carried out to their countries of origin, where
They receive breakfast, lunch and dinner, in a suitable environment.

Venancio Alcántara also said that an average of 350 irregular foreigners are being deported
daily and warned that the operations will continue routinely and persistently, to avoid the
massive entry of illegal aliens into the national territory for the Christmas season.

The official also denied that avalanches of illegal Haitian nationals are arriving in the country.
via the border as has come to light, and attributed it to interested sectors that distort the truth
to misinform the population.

He said "Wes totally false that undocumented Haitians are entering the country massively, it is
some may escape through vulnerable points along the border strip, but not
It is true that they are accessing the national territory in a massive way,” said the official.

Likewise, the General Director of Migration, Venancio Alcántara, invited the media
communication and the general public to observe the streets of Greater Santo Domingo, so that
can verify the clearance in transit of undocumented Haitian nationals, mainly,
as previously observed.

By: Directorate of Communications.