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Directorate General of Migration delivers school supplies to children of the institution's employees

Venancio Alcántara calls on DGM parents to send their children to school this Monday

Santo Domingo. Thousands of children, sons and daughters of the collaborators of the General Directorate of Migration (DGM), received school supplies to help with the financial burden that parents have to send their children to educational centers.

Notebooks, pencils, erasers, lunch boxes, backpacks and other educational materials were given to children to start the 2024-2025 school year.

Director General Venancio Alcántara explained that teaching is part of the development of countries and that is why President Luis Abinader has put so much effort into education.

In this regard, he urged parents who work in the institution to send their children to schools and colleges.

In addition, the DGM held a sharing session among the attendees, which resulted in a happy moment for everyone.

By: Communications Department