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Migration asks the population to know about the services provided by the institution to speed up the process during the Christmas season.

December 1, 2023

Santo Domingo, RD.- As part of the transformation and modernization process to which the institution has been subjected, the General Directorate of Migration (DGM) reported that it has readjusted important services to provide efficient assistance to citizens who request it.

In this sense, he explained that the services and processes corresponding to Migration have been digitized for easier access by users.

«The citizen only has to go to one of our government offices, or to our headquarters, specifically at window number 5, where a staff will provide the required assistance, take the biometric data, such as fingerprints and facial recognition, after these steps , the user will be ready and long lines would be avoided in their immigration process, thus helping to save time when traveling abroad," the institution indicated.

The General Directorate of Immigration also recalled that for this process, the user must always have their physical passport available and valid and if you are accompanied by a minor, they must carry their permit previously issued by the institution.

He specified that citizens entering and leaving the Dominican Republic must take into account that their passport has a minimum validity of six months, thus filling out their E-Ticket and once they complete this Check In process in their respective airline, they can begin the immigration process through the automated Autogate service, it applies only to Dominican citizens of legal age and is available free of charge for registration at the Las Américas International Airports, in Santo Domingo, Cibao and Santiago de the Knights, 24 hours a day, as well as at the GOB Sambil, Occidental Mall and Santiago Points from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, and at the Immigration headquarters, from 8:00 am to 4:00 am: 00pm.

Once all these requirements have been met, once at the airport, the traveler only has to go to the Immigration Control window, where one of the officers will be able to verify its validity. Once this is confirmed, the user will be able to have a happy trip, the institution reported.