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Migration ranks second in indicator of use of public procurement systems.

Achieve almost 100 points for making transparent purchases.

Santo Domingo. – The General Directorate of Migration reached 99.03 percent in 2024 in the indicators of use of the government tendering and awarding system measured by the General Directorate of Public Procurement in the third quarter of the year.

      Of all the State institutions that make purchases, the DGM achieved second place for strictly complying with the processes in accordance with the requirements of the DGCP.

      This goal of the Administrative and Financial Directorate of Migration is part of the transparency exercise promoted by President Luis Abinader and followed to the letter by General Director Venancio Alcántara.

      Transparency performance indices also stand out, achieving a score of 95% in budget execution, marking high performance during 2024.

     Venancio Alcántara said that for the first time the DGM has managed to be included in the indicators of transparency, efficiency, technology and quality in the service provided by the institution.

By: Communications Department