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Migration trains new specialized immigration agents to strengthen interdiction.

The DGM seeks to increase its operational readiness and the quality of its immigration agents.

Santo Domingo. _ The Director General of Migration reported that the profile of the agents responsible for the interdiction of foreigners in irregular status in the Dominican Republic has been updated so that they act with greater professionalism and efficiency. These measures seek to guarantee respect for legal norms, human rights and the dignity of people.

      Vice Admiral Luis Rafael Lee Ballester expressed his views while addressing dozens of aspiring immigration agents who are being trained and educated so that upon graduation they are fit to go out into the streets to enforce the General Immigration Law 285-04.

      “This is a historic moment for the DGM; we are going to create a quality structure with a national presence. Our immigration agents must be honest, upright, transparent people, committed to the best interests of the nation, respectful and guarantors of Human Rights, but at the same time capable of applying fairly and proportionally the regulations of the legal system that governs us,” he said.

    Young people aspiring to become interdiction agents receive training on rules of conduct, proportional use of force, respect for human rights, application of the Immigration Law, the criminal procedure code, Creole classes and other elements of their work.