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PUCMM holds discussion on immigration regulations in the Dominican Republic

During the event, statistics were offered on the judicialization processes that Migration has promoted, with 58 cases in almost five months.

 Santo Domingo, DR - The Pontifical Catholic University Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) held this Wednesday the discussion “Immigration regulation in the Dominican Republic: border and legal challenges,” an event that brought together officials from the General Directorate of Migration (DGM) to address crucial aspects of the migration phenomenon in the country.

                                                                                                                                                                           The discussion was led by Vice Admiral Luis Rafael Lee Ballester (ARD), Director General of the General Directorate of Migration, who explained that the institution is preparing to cover the national territory with offices in each of the country's provinces, to offer users a more agile and efficient service, as well as to provide quick and timely responses in everything related to national security policies related to migration.

  “In order to guarantee security, we must not only focus on ports, airports and the border, but we have also developed a strategy based on two main axes: containment at the border and the collection of these immigrants,” explained Lee Ballester.

 During the event, the legal director of the DGM, Laura Mariñez, explained that the entity has resumed the practice of bringing cases under the jurisdiction of the DGM, and that from last October to February, in almost five months, they have brought a total of 58 cases to justice, of which the vast majority (47) have been for trafficking and illicit smuggling of migrants, followed by falsification of documents (5).

  The most common coercive measures in these cases have been periodic presentation (33%), financial guarantee (27%), prohibition of departure (19%) and preventive detention (7%), with 13% of measures pending. According to DGM statistics, the persons involved are 76 defendants and 389 foreigners and/or victims.

Colonel Piloto Regner Evins Féliz FARD (DEM), director of Immigration, discussed in depth the services offered by the institution regarding immigration processes for foreigners to regularize their legal stay in Dominican territory.

During the event, the director of the School of Law, Héctor Alies, explained that migration is a transcendental issue that has captured public attention for several years now, and this discussion aims to provide greater clarity to students and citizens. At this meeting, officials shared their knowledge and experiences, enriching the discussion on the legal and security implications in the migration field.

Communications Department