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When selecting "Nationality" no correct option for me

Dear Immigration staff,

I am from Hong Kong. I am holding a BNO passport issued by the United Kingdom, which in this passport, my nationality is marked as "British National (Overseas)".

However, I find that I do not have this option in the "ETicket" online form for me to choose from. I am really worried, would you please kindly let me know how should I proceed?

Thanks and regards,

Mr. Chu

Dear Mr. Chu,

Responding to your request, we can share with you which place of birth you place (others) and the platform will allow you to continue filling out your E-Ticket form.

In the same way you can send us your Passport Code for further verification.

We appreciate your comment.

It is a pleasure to serve you!


Thanks for the answer, however it don't seem to solve my problem yet.

In the ETicket form:

I have choose PLACE OF BIRTH = Hong Kong (HKG)

The the question besides it "IS THE NATIONALITY OF THE PASSPORT DIFFERENT FROM YOUR PLACE OF BIRTH?" --> I choose "YES" because my Nationality is "BNO", not "HKG"

However, still the same problem, "BNO" passport which is issued by the United Kingdom, is not amongst the available options in your "Country of Nationality" list.

(Please note that "BNO" is not equivalent to the UK civilian passport, they have different code under the "Nationality" field)

Dear Mr Chu,

In this case, you must verify the ORC code that the Passport has in the second line of the numerical code, that is, when you verify the passport in the last line of codes, you will notice that it first has the passport number and then a 3-letter digit, these letters are those that correspond to the code of your country.

   Hoping to have helped you!