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Haina Foundation recognizes the Director General of Migration.

_ The distinction is for the work carried out at the head of the DGM._

Santo Domingo. _ The Children for a Future Foundation of Haina recognized Venancio Alcántara for the work he has been doing at the head of the General Directorate of Migration (DGM) and the correct application of Law 285 – 04.

The entity considers that the immigration policy of the Government led by President Luis Abinader respects human rights and is done in accordance with the international agreements of which the Dominican Republic is a signatory.

José Francisco Candelario, president of the Children for a Future Foundation of the municipality of Haina, in the province of San Cristóbal, specified that the director of Migration, Venancio Alcántara, has made a positive change to the institution he heads.

For his part, Alcántara Valdez, in thanking the recognition, pointed out that as a public official the only thing he has done is comply with his constitutional mandate, apply the general immigration law and follow the guidelines of President Luis Abinader, which are ethics and transparency.

He specified that this distinction commits him even more to a management in accordance with the new times, with respect and dignity towards all people.

By: Communications Department