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Minister of the Presidency swears in the new director of Migration

Venancio Alcántara says that President Luis Abinader's administration has transformed immigration policy.

Santo Domingo. _ The Minister of the Presidency, José Ignacio Paliza, swore in this Monday the new Director General of Migration, Vice Admiral Luis Rafael Lee Ballester, who was appointed by President Luis Abinader through decree 560 - 24

When swearing in the new head of the General Directorate of Migration, Paliza urged Lee Ballester to continue complying with the Migration Law 285 – 04 and its implementing regulations, decree 631 – 11, respecting human rights and in accordance with international agreements.

For his part, the outgoing director, Venancio Alcántara, thanked President Luis Abinader for the opportunity to lead a key institution in national security and which is always in the sights of international organizations.

During Alcántara's administration, the salaries of collaborators were considerably improved, new interdiction centers were built, services were made more efficient and other achievements were made to have a more humane, safe and orderly Migration. He thanked the team that accompanied him during his time at the DGM.

Vice Admiral Luis Rafael Lee Ballester is an officer of vast experience with more than 42 years in the Dominican Navy in different positions and positions, as well as in the Armed Forces.

Lee Ballester stated that he will work under the protection of the Constitution and the Immigration Law together with the military and police institutions, the Public Ministry and with the transparency that President Luis Abinader upholds. "The task that awaits us requires a great effort that integrates the different institutions," he said.