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The DGM has repatriated more than 142 thousand people since the start of the expanded interdiction plan

Deported 15,171 in the first 15 days of February

SANTO DOMINGO.- The General Directorate of Migration (DGM) deported 15,343 foreigners caught in the country in an irregular condition during the first 15 days of this month of February, which raises to 142,378 the number of undocumented persons expelled since October 2024, when Vice Admiral Luis Rafael Lee Ballester began the execution of the expanded plan for the interdiction and containment of migratory flows ordered by President Luis Abinader.

The rerouting included daytime and nighttime operations on work routes planned and developed by the DGM, and with human, technical and mobility teams acting in coordination with the Ministry of Defense, Army, Navy, Air Force of the Dominican Republic, National Police, Public Prosecutor's Office, Ciudad Tranquila Task Force (CIUTRAN) and the General Directorate of Traffic Safety and Land Transportation (DIGESETT).

The agency responsible for managing and controlling the migratory flow and regulating the stay of foreigners in the national territory indicates, in a note, that in the last 15 days it deployed 135 interdiction operations, ensuring procedural guarantees and without putting at risk the physical integrity and life of the 6,906 deportees and 8,437 repatriated to their respective countries of origin.

Of the operations carried out this month, 29 were in Greater Santo Domingo, 15 in Santiago, 9 in Puerto Plata, 8 in La Vega, 13 in Dajabón, 14 in Elías Piña, 11 in Independencia, 12 in Pedernales, 9 in Azua and 15 in La Altagracia. The majority of those detained were of Haitian nationality (98.8%) and the rest were from Ghana, Saint Lucia, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Trinidad, China and Venezuela.
From October 1/24 to February 15/25, 78,522 Haitians have been deported and another 63,856 repatriated, for a total of 142,378 repatriated. The deportees are those who have had their biometric and identity data processed and taken at the detention and reception centers in Haina, Dajabón, Benerito and Santiago; The returnees have been returned to their country directly from the border points.

The expanded immigration interdiction and containment plan is being implemented in all the country's provinces, in strict compliance with Law 285-04 and its Regulation, No. 631-11. It is also implemented in accordance with due process standards, carrying out individualized assessments, aligned with respect for human rights and without harming the dignity of individuals.

The DGM also reported that during the course of this month it has brought 14 people to justice for criminal offenses related to the institution's regulations, especially the illegal trafficking of migrants and falsification of documents. So far this year there have been 26 such charges.

In 2025, the DGM has also granted 143 certifications, 2,168 permits and 1,062 residences renewed for different reasons, including for investors.

The DGM, on the other hand, communicated that the organization and planning of the work it carries out to regulate migratory flows, enforce Law 285-04 and preserve our identity as a nation, is a basic norm that forms part of its operational doctrine.

He explains that before the teams leave to carry out operations, intelligence is gathered and based on this, a schedule is drawn up in which not only are the routes outlined with the points through which they will move, but also the schedules and members of each interdiction team are defined, which must include several members of the Armed Forces, an inspector and immigration agents, as well as a bus or truck, among other elements.

“We work by establishing priorities and we are based on the optimization of available resources, capabilities and means.

We always act in accordance with the regulations of current immigration laws and ensure that all foreign citizens are properly documented and registered," says the DGM note.

Communications Department