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To recruit and train talent, the DGM develops an internship program on immigration law and quality of services

Graduates who complete the training have the opportunity to stay and work at the DGM.

SANTO DOMINGO.- The General Directorate of Migration (DGM) launched an internship program for students of Law and related areas, with the purpose of training and recruiting talents that will facilitate the offering of efficient and quality services aimed at user satisfaction.

The entity responsible for controlling and administering the immigration regime and registration in the country explains, in a press release, that it is developing a strategic plan so that its actions, regulated by Law 285-04 and Regulation No. 631-11, comply with receptive, accessible and agile standards, as demanded by modern times.

The program involves 48 law students from different universities in the country, who are trained in what constitutes the DGM's vision, which is to be a modern institution, at the forefront of technology, with efficient and effective services in accordance with immigration policies, equipped with highly qualified personnel for the exercise of its functions and attached to respect for the laws, ethics and morals.

The strategic axes emphasized are control of entry and exit into the national territory, control of the status of foreigners in the country and institutional strengthening.

Through this program, the DGM will identify young people with university skills and attitudes to perform functions with ethical and professional criteria. They seek to strengthen the control, evaluation and monitoring of institutional objectives, as well as guidance and information to the general public.

The pilot plan will last three months. It was reported that another call will be made for university students in the area of ​​Law who want to learn about the general law on migration, its implementing decree and the processes for regularizing foreigners in the country.

Communications Department