SANTO DOMINGO.- The General Directorate of Migration (DGM) announced the implementation of special extended hours for receiving documents and carrying out immigration procedures, in order to benefit national and foreign users through a more agile, timely and efficient service.
The agency responsible for managing and controlling the migratory flow and the stay of foreigners in the national territory reported that the extension of the hours will be from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. It will come into effect on Monday, February 24 and will last until May 24.
“These extended hours are to offer greater flexibility to users who cannot carry out their immigration processes during regular hours. With this action we reaffirm our commitment to improve attention and optimize service to users,” says the DGM.
The services that will be available correspond to the Immigration Office and consist of receiving documents, procedures for residents and non-residents, renewal of cards and delivery of immigration cards.
The DGM recommends that its users arrive with enough time to complete their procedures, make sure to have all the required documentation on hand and review the requirements beforehand through the institution’s official website, You can also contact the public service line, 809-508-2555.
Communications Department