Migration meets with UN delegates in the DR related to migration

8 October, 2024
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SANTO DOMINGO. – The Director General of Migration met with representatives of United Nations (UN) agencies that develop programs related to migration, human rights and children, to whom he presented the plan for interdiction and reinforcement of migration control that is being implemented to reduce the excess migrant population perceived in the country’s communities.

Vice Admiral Luis R. Lee Ballester reiterated that, in compliance with the order of President Luis Abinader, he will comply with and enforce Dominican laws and reaffirmed his commitment to respect all international protocols and standards that ensure the dignity and rights of repatriated persons.

“We will ensure that due process is followed, within the framework of respect for the fundamental rights of every human being, children and adolescents, while guaranteeing security, order and compliance with Law 285-04, which governs us,” he said.

The meeting, held in the DGM meeting room, was attended by delegates from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office (ORC), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC), and the United Nations Population and Family Fund (UNFPA).

The executive president of the National Council for Children and Adolescents (CONANI), a Dominican entity that supports the DGM in dealing with cases of undocumented migrant children and adolescents to be repatriated, also participated.

Lee Ballester explained the importance of these organizations and agencies cooperating with official programs not only to comply with international standards, but also “for the development and improvement of the capabilities that the DGM uses in immigration interdiction operations.”

He stressed the importance of creating a strategic alliance “to put our house in order, without harming or damaging people,” because it is legitimate for the government to regulate the presence of irregular migrants, in accordance with the country’s laws.

Mr. Rodrigo Castañeda, interim resident coordinator of the UN agencies represented in the Dominican Republic, thanked the DGM for inviting the meeting and expressed his willingness to collaborate to strengthen the institution, exchange good practices, develop action protocols, and train staff.

By: Communications Department