October 27, 2020
The new ones haven’t been sworn in
Migration clarifies business with Dominican visas in Haiti is from past governments
SANTO DOMINGO. – The Director General of Migration clarified today that, in his complaint about the business with the visas issued at the Dominican consulates in Haiti, he refers to past consuls from previous administrations.
Attorney Enrique García makes the clarification to point out that the new officials appointed by the current government “have not yet assumed the diplomatic and consular delegations of the Dominican Republic in the neighboring country.”
“The consuls who have done business in the Dominican consulates in Haiti are those of previous governments, the current ones appointed by President Luis Abinader, they have not yet assumed their positions,” said the official.
García indicated that the current Dominican government, with the new consular officials recently appointed and who have not assumed their positions, will act to correct the anomalies with the issuance of visas at the Dominican consulates in Haiti, as a measure to regulate migration between the two countries.
He said that the administration of President Abinader will work “hard” to solve the irregularities and deficiencies that for years affect the Dominican consulates in the neighboring nation.