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Service description

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Re-entry permit or card, valid for three (3) months.

To whom this service is intended

Foreigner who has initiated, but not completed, a naturalization process in the Ministry of Interior and Police (MIP), and that needs to leave the country for a period of less than three (3) months.


Immigration Department / Renewal Unit.

Contact Info

Dirección: Autopista 30 de Mayo, Esquina Héroes De Luperon, Santo Domingo República Dominicana
Teléfono: 809-508-2555 Ext. 2043


4.1 If residency is requested because the foreigner has a file deposited in the Immigration Department:

4.2 Submit a copy of the file deposit sheet that is delivered to the evaluations department.

4.3 Payment of the fee established for this service.

4.4 Copy of the personal data sheet of the passport with a minimum validity of six (6) months.

In case of requesting a second re-entry, the foreigner must deposit the original of the expired re-entry card.

If reentry is requested by the foreigner, a naturalization process must be carried out at the Ministry of the Interior and Police.

1.- Present a copy of a document from the Ministry of the Interior and Police certifying that you are in the naturalization process.

2.- Payment of the tax established for this service.

In case of requesting a second re-entry, the foreigner must deposit the original of the expired re-entry card.

If re-entry is requested due to expiration of residency while the foreigner is outside the country:

1.- The foreigner must appear at the Dominican consulate of the country where he is located and proceed to request that the DGM process a request for re-entry into the country for the purposes of updating his immigration status.

In this application you must attach:

1.- Communication addressed to the DGM where you request the service, but you must justify the reason why you did not return to the country before the expiration of this residency.

  1. -Copy of the residence.

3.- Copy of the personal identity card.

4.- Copy of the passport face where the personal data is.

The consulate forwards the request to DGM who determines whether it proceeds or not. If applicable, re-entry is sent through the diplomatic mission.

In case of requesting a second re-entry, the foreigner must deposit the original of the expired re-entry card.

If reentry is requested because the foreigner’s permanent residence has expired, is in the renewal process and needs to leave the country:

1.-Copy of the residence

2.-Copy of the personal identity card.

3.-Copy of the passport face where the personal data is.

4.- Copy of the receipt for payment of the medical examination.

In case of requesting a second re-entry, the foreigner must deposit the original of the expired re-entry card.

Procedure to follow

1- Enter the DGM service portal. (

2- Register your username and password in the system. (If you have previously registered, enter your previous username and password).

3- Service Selection:

3.1- Choose the “APPLICATION LIST” option.
3.2- In the “AVAILABLE SERVICES” option, select the LOCATION-OFFICE where you will receive the service.
3.3- From the “LIST OF SERVICES”, choose the service you will request.
3.4- Complete all the information required in the “INFORMATION QUESTIONNAIRE FOR APPLICANT”.

4- The scanned documents must be in JPG format for the application via web.


Horario de presentación

Hours of service

M-F, 8:00 am- 4:00 pm


Re-entry permit application – RD$ 9,800.00
1st request. re-entry permit extension – RD$ 11,200.00
2nd request. re-entry permit extension – RD$ 14,000.00

Tiempo de realización

Processing time

Five (5) working days.
Canal de presentación

Service channel

Online: Application and payment of taxes.
Face-to-face: Card delivery.

Additional information

URL para tramitar el servicio:


Note: In case of a first re-entry extension, the foreigner must deposit the expired previous re-entry card